It is time to have a look at the new Tarot Decks 2019 will bring us. I am always excited to discover and share what artists and publishers have been working on to keep our collections growing.
Don’t forget to leave a comment if you know of a wonderful deck we should put on our wish list this year!
Sylvia Ritters’ New Tarot Project

To be fair, this may or may not be released in 2019 and there is no date announced yet. But here’s hoping! Sylvia Ritters’ Tarot cards are absolutely gorgeous and unique.
The deck does not exist yet and a Kickstarter project is announced for the near future. I strongly recommend to go sign up for her newsletter to know when it all kicks off.
This is definitely one of the most inspiring and original new take I have come across lately.
Sign up to Sylvia’s newsletter and discover her work on her website here.
Tarots Egyptiens: Anima Antiqua

Inspired by the classic and sometimes forgotten Etteila Tarot, this new edition by Lo Scarabeo looks really inspiring.
From the artwork that’s been shared by the publisher, they seemed to have been pretty faithful to the original French version.
They claim the artwork has been scanned from ancient cards. Which deck that would be exactly I do not know. But I love the sobriety and classic feel of those cards.
Available for pre-order on Amazon.
The Dreamer’s Arcana Tarot
The Dreamers Arcana definitely caught my attention as I was browsing through new projects in the making. The project is a collaboration between a French and Australian artists (Apolline and Liliana).

Modern and playful, the deck is both inspired by fantasy, traditional Tarot and natural symbolism. The cards have no names or numbers, leaving everything up to the reader’s intuition.
The Dreamers Arcana is currently still available on demand on IndieGogo but the project is already fully funded so hurry if you want it.
Wise Dog Tarot

Cats, cats, cats. A cat as the Fool, a cat as the Magician. Everywhere. There are so many cats inspired decks, they would make for a great dedicated post. And don’t get me wrong, some of them are gorgeous and work beautifully.
But I was thrilled to see this new project focusing on dogs. Less mysterious maybe. But aren’t they our most trusted allies in this world? Our best friends? And what else can we always count on and turn to without feeling judged? Bingo.

It only makes sense to associate our dearest furry friends with our precious Tarot cards. And that’s exactly what Margaux Jones is doing with this beautiful new deck currently available on IndieGogo.
Other decks about to be released and worth keeping an eye on include:
the Otherkin Tarot (by the creator of the Linestrider Tarot). For fans of watercolour and ethereal artwork.
The Manuscript of Initiation Tarot. A beautiful and mysterious creation inspired by Medieval arts. There is still time to back this one up!
Did I miss something great? Please share in the comment section 🙂